How Authors Can Use Listmania to Promote Their Book

As a book publicist I am always on the lookout for effective inexpensive ways to reach book buyers. One way is to tap into the power of Amazon by using Listmania lists. How? Listmania is a free marketing tool that allows all Amazon account holders to create a list of their favorite things such as a course in miracles. It is ideal for authors to list their own book on their list along with other books in the same genre to gain from their popularity and association. For example if you have a book similar to Harry Potter then listing that book along with your book and other similar books, your book can benefit at as it may show up on Google, Bing and Amazon searches.

“Authors often use Listmania as a way to promote their own titles while grouping them with similar books. It is clever, discreet and effective” said Rosanne Dingli, author of Death of Malta and According to Luke. “My Listmania is a definitive listing of China photo books that were exhaustively compiled from every genre, from mass-market coffee table books to independently-published eccentricity,” said Tom Carter, author of China: Portrait of a People. His book is considered the most comprehensive book of photography about modern China, and it’s listed with other books in the photojournalism genre.

According to Anna Weber, a literary strategist, “Authors can ask others to list their book on their own Listmania and – if in good taste professionally, to secure recommendations from other readers who are looking for new books to read and purchase.”

Most authors are unaware of this inexpensive and valuable promotional service but should become familiar with it. By creating a list, and adding their own book, the author should also add their competition to the list. It is ideal for the author to create a list with his or her book listed along with the genre competition before someone else creates a similar list without that particular author’s book listed.

“I never understood the exposure Listmania provides each book on a list… it is invaluable. Eventually I saw how often my lists started popping up all over Amazon, and how my book was now appearing under “suggested reading” on other books’ product pages, I realized that Listmania was an untapped goldmine of free and effective book promotion,” adds Carter.

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