Yes, You Can Get Over a Crisis

As with most crises, it wasn’t Daftar MPO777 just the pain of loss that shattered her but also the practical repercussions. Judi found James had debts he’d kept from her. ‘He’d just opened his own motor workshop so there wasn’t much money and he loved to spoil me’, She came close to losing their flat, which was in his name, although she had paid half the deposit. ‘If my sister hadn’t helped for a few months.

Her grief was mixed with an anger that surprised her. ‘One moment I’d be crying, the next I’d be ranting.’ She was angry with James for dying and leaving her in a mess, angry with God and angry with herself. Judi’s confusing clash of emotions is normal. Whatever your loss or crisis, it plunges you into different stages as you grieve. The best way to heal is to be prepared for these stages.

Your loss or other trauma may be great or small but it’s always personal so your response is individualized. It will be shaped by your personality, family, culture and spiritual beliefs but it will fall into certain universal stages. Grief starts with denial before moving on to anger, depression and finally acceptance.

You can respond on a physical, cognitive, emotional, behavioral and spiritual level. Shock, convulsions, numbness, detachment, disbelief and disorientation are all normal. Common symptoms are nightmares and sleep disorders, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, a dry mouth and repetitive movements such as involuntary rocking.

Where violence has been involved you may have hallucinations in the early weeks, as well as mild, temporary dyslexia (when phrases are reversed unintentionally).I wouldn’t have got by financially. But feelings take longer to fix…’

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